
Following on from the question raised a couple of days ago by wtomcho regarding de-essing of recordings, I came across a couple of relevant plug-ins that have recently been developed for Audacity.

  1. Declicker Software
  2. Declicker Vst
  3. Declicker Plugin
  • Oxford DeClicker. Accurately and transparently remove pops, clicks and crackle. The Oxford DeClicker features three discrete sections for removing pops, clicks and crackle from your sound. Each has a threshold and sensitivity control to define the number of events that are detected and removed.
  • Playing them through my declicker setup was surprising. All were absolutely listenable and quiet, though I did toss a few with exceptionally deep gouges that caused skips. In relative terms, I'd say most sounded equivalent to your average 'VG+' condition side.

The RX3 Declicker module is simple to use, very effective and not at all destructive if used with restraint (I usually start with a sensitivity of '2'.) I should note in passing that many people also use Diamond Cut audio restoration tools. I've not used Diamond Cut and cannot further comment on it.

The following link gives a full explanation for the use of the two plug-ins and can be found at:

Declicker Software

Once downloaded, they need to be copied into your Audacity Plug-Ins folder - which for Windows users will be found either in:
Program Files(x86)AudacityPlug-Ins or Program FilesAudacityPlug-Ins - These then will show up as options in the Effect Menu of Audacity.
I have tried these on a couple of recent recordings and it looks like that they might well work for me. Declicker

Declicker Vst

So far, I have only used them with the default settings but it would be useful to hear back from from anyone else that tries a different setup.

Declicker Plugin
