- Epic Games Launcher Automatically Opens At Startup Mode
- Epic Games Launcher Automatically Opens At Startup
- Epic Games Launcher Automatically Opens At Startup Mac
- Epic Games Launcher Automatically Opens At Startup Browser
- Epic Games Launcher Automatically Opens At Startup Key
- Epic Games Launcher Automatically Opens At Startup Windows 10
If you are having issues launching Hades, hopefully the following solutions can get you up and running.
We want to make sure you are able to resolve your issue. If you need additional details or assistance check out our Epic Games Player Support help article he. Jul 11, 2021 Verify game files. Another reason why Hitman 3 may have a launch issue, or crash at startup can be due to corrupted game files. To fix the problem, follow these steps: Open Epic Games Launcher app. Exit the Epic Games Launcher by right-clicking the system tray icon in the bottom-right corner, and then clicking Exit. Press Windows key + R, type “%localappdata%”, and then press Enter to open a File Explorer window. Open the Epic Games Launcher folder. Open the Saved folder.
- AMD Cards: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download
- NVIDIA Cards: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx
- Intel Cards: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/default.aspx
- Right-click on Hades in your Steam Library
- Select 'Properties...', then select the 'Local Files' tab
- Select 'Verify Integrity of Game Files...'
- Locate Hades in your Library
- Click the three-dots symbol near the game title, and select 'Verify'
Please try the following solutions, whichever ones are relevant to your system, in this order:
1. Windows and Proton Users: Try the Vulkan and 32-bit executables instead.
- On Steam: These are presented immediately on startup.
- On Epic Games Store: Navigate to the install directory, such as:
Program FilesEpic GamesHades
Then, open the x64, x64vk, and x86 folder. Finally, run Hades.exe as Administrator by right-clicking on it and selecting 'Run as Administrator...'
2. If you're using Steam, please try disabling your Steam Overlay:
- Right-click on Hades in your Steam Library
- Select 'Properties...'
- Toggle 'Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game'
3. If you ran the game and it worked for you before, try backing up and then deleting your settings file:
DocumentsSaved GamesHadesProfile1.sjson
Note this is not your save progress. This will simply make the game restore its default settings.
4. In some rare cases, the game's default settings can cause problems. To change those settings before launching:
On Steam:
- Right-click on Hades in your Steam Library
- Select 'Properties...', and in the pop-up menu, look for the field with the heading 'LAUNCH OPTIONS'
- Enter the following: /UseNativeGaInput=true /UseNativeGaInputNoControllers=false
On Epic Games Store:
- Select 'Settings'
- Scroll down to Hades under 'Manage Games' and select it
- Select 'Additional Command Line Arguments'
- Enter the following: /UseNativeGaInput=true /UseNativeGaInputNoControllers=false
If those don’t work, there are a couple of additional options to try, adding one at a time, each one with a space after the ones above:
5. Try running Steam or the Epic Games Store itself in Admin mode: exit the program if it's already running, locate the respective EXE file, right-click on it, and select 'Run as Administrator...'
6. Try downloading and installing the latest Visual C++ redistributable, as there's a chance it hasn't been installed correctly: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads
7. Disconnect any nonessential USB or bluetooth devices plugged into your PC.
8. Windows 8 Users: If you get an error about D3DCompiler_47.dll being missing, you can download and install that from here (be sure to acquire the x64 or x86 as is appropriate for your system):
If None Of These Solutions Works For You
We're happy to investigate further if none of these fixes allows you to start the game. You can get in touch via email by writing to support@supergiantgames.com. Please include the following files:
1. For Windows users, your DxDiag: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4028644/windows-open-and-run-dxdiagexe
For Mac users, your system information: Spotlight search > System Information > File > Save > report.spx
2. Your Hades.log located here:
Windows: DocumentsSaved GamesHadesHades.log
macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Supergiant Games/Hades
Are you having an issue with Hitman 3 crashing at launch or startup lately? We’ve been getting reports from many other PC players about this problem so we’ve come up with this guide to help the gaming community. We hope that you’ll find our solutions helpful.
Hitman 3 crashing randomly, won’t launch, or crashing shortly after launching
Fixing Hitman 3 crashes can either be as easy as restarting the system or as bothersome as upgrading your hardware. You’ll need to follow a set of troubleshooting steps in order to identify the reason for your problem because there’s no universal fix for all crashing problems for this game.
Causes for Hitman 3 crashes
We’ve gathered some of the common reasons for many Hitman 3 crashes since it was officially released so let’s take a look at each of them below.
PC does not meet system requirements.
One of the important things that PC players need to consider when playing a new title is to check for system requirements and compatibility. If your computer is several years old, it’s possible that it may not be able to run the game properly, or that it’s system needs an upgrade.
This can be the reason why a Hitman 3 crash keeps happening, or the game won’t even launch on your system.
Random software glitch.
For some people, the main reason Hitman 3 is crashing on startup can be a minor one such as an internal system error or a random bug. Most of the time, such an issue is fixed by restarting the PC or making sure that the software and drivers are updated. This is true if you have a game crash on you, or if some of your software seems to be misbehaving.
Just remember, there’s no perfect system, game or software. In order to lower the chances of encountering bugs, always keep everything up-to-date.
Game coding bugs.
Some games may work well during and after release while a few may encounter game breaking bugs, like the PS4 and Xbox One versions of Cyberpunk 2077.
For Hitman 3, it looks like there’s no serious coding problems at all and all indications of the crashes that we’ve heard point to minor problems. This can be expected of new games so if you are experiencing random Hitman 3 crash at startup, there’s no need to worry about it
You can minimize game crashes by keeping your system updated, and always ensuring that the latest version of your drivers are installed.
Outdated drivers.
Speaking of drivers, one of the important things that PC players must perform regularly is to ensure that the graphics card runs the newest graphics drivers all the time. By default, the NVIDIA GeForce Experience and AMD Radeon Software are set to scan for the latest drivers by default. However, if any of these programs are blocked from the internet, or if you intentionally changed their settings not to do so, make sure that you manually check for GPU drivers before launching Hitman 3 again.
Corrupted game files.
Some PC players may have crashing issues due to damaged game files. This usually happens when a system update fails to download and install properly, or when there’s a bad game update. At other times, the Epic Games launcher may be at fault, which is usually fixed by deleting and reinstalling the said software.
DirectX issues.
If you are getting a Fatal Error or a DirectX error when launching Hitman 3, it’s possible that your computer is running an older, incompatible DirectX version. Hitman 3 is designed to work only with DirectX 12 so be sure that you have that installed to fix the issue.
Interference from third party software.
Certain software environment are sensitive to other installed software. For instance, some PC players have reported to us that their Hitman 3 game appears to be crashing only when they’re running an overclocking software such as MSI Afterburner.
While this is definitely not universal and most likely an issue with only a few systems, you should consider checking what other third party software are running together with the game when it crashes. Then, simply try to narrow down which of these software may be the reason by a process of elimination.
How to fix Hitman 3 crashing at launch
Below are some of the known solutions to fix Hitman 3 crashes.
Ensure game is updated.
Keeping Hitman 3 updated is very easy as Epic Games launcher does it for you. However, if you chose not to let the launcher do auto-updates for your games, you can always manually check for updates anytime.
We suggest that you let Epic Games app automatically check and install updates for you. This setting is enabled by default but if you want to check it on your system, here’s how:
- Open Epic Games Launcher app.
- Select Settings.
- Scroll down to Manage Games section and ensure that Allow Auto-Updates box is checked.
Verify PC meets minimum system requirements.
Ideally, you should check your system first before buying and installing any new game. However, if you forget that, you can always verify again if your computer can run Hitman 3 by going to EpicGames.com.
Epic Games Launcher Automatically Opens At Startup Mode
Use lower game settings.

If your PC is old and only meets the minimum system requirements (but can’t run the recommended system requirements), consider playing Hitman 3 in lower graphics settings. This is especially useful for machines that appear to have trouble with lag or stuttering during gameplays.
Reboot your PC.
For some, a quick system refresh is all it takes to get rid of random bugs. If Hitman 3 appears to fail to load or crash at startup, close it first using the Task Manager program, then turn the computer off.
Check for GPU drivers.
Drivers are mini-OS that are specific for a hardware component like a graphics card. If your GPU drivers are incompatible or not updated, any new game that you might run may not work properly.
To check for a GPU driver, follow any of the links below:
Update DirectX.
For those getting a DirectX error when launching Hitman 3, the best way to fix it is to ensure that you have the right DirectX version. If you think that you need to update or reinstall DirectX on your PC, visit the Microsoft website on how to download it.
Epic Games Launcher Automatically Opens At Startup
Turn off security software or third party software.
Epic Games Launcher Automatically Opens At Startup Mac
If Hitman 3 ist still crashing at startup or launch at this point, the next good thing to do is to check whether or not it’s being caused by another software. As mentioned above, some people have trouble launching the game when MSI Afterburner is running. If you do too, try to close this third party app and see if that will fix the issue.
To know if you have a third party app problem, you can also run the game without any other applications first. If it works well, try to run your other applications by adding them one by one then launch the game.
Do this for the rest of your applications until you figure out which third party software is responsible.
Epic Games Launcher Automatically Opens At Startup Browser
Verify game files.
Epic Games Launcher Automatically Opens At Startup Key
Another reason why Hitman 3 may have a launch issue, or crash at startup can be due to corrupted game files. To fix the problem, follow these steps:
Epic Games Launcher Automatically Opens At Startup Windows 10
- Open Epic Games Launcher app.
- Select Library.
- Find the Hitman 3 game tile and click on the Settings icon (three horizontal dots).
- Click on Verify.
- Wait for the system to verify the game files.
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