Toon Memory Game

DKM Pairs is a memory game where you need to match pairs of tiles. Playing is very simple - you turn over one tile and then try to find a matching tile. There are 32 levels, each getting progressively harder.

When you click on the first tile of a turn and you have exposed a matching tile in a previous turn, a message tells you that the pair is known. This indicates that you should then be able to make a match (if you have perfect recall). The scoring system incorporates this principle. In some levels, all the tiles are revealed initially for a few seconds. This makes it harder to score a perfect recall as it assumes you remember where each tile is.

Toon memory games

You can also play against another human New! or a computer opponent (bot).

Daily Challenge

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This site was designed to pass up the time. If you dont want to pass the time, go do something productive. Features, Flash tutorials, Shockwave games, Flash cartoons such as Mario and the Princess, Zelda A Link To A Gentlemans Club, and many other animations.

Participate in the daily challenge to try make it on the leaderboard. There is only one level and the objective is to score as high as possible.
You will need to register and login first to play. Registration is free and takes less than a minute.

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Play Individual Levels

Game If you wish to just play a specific level, select from the numbers below. Playing a specific level will not affect your accumulated score or which level you last completed successfully.

Note: The level difficulty settings may not be very accurate at first. As usage statistics are gathered, they will be calibrated to be more precise.


  • Each time you make a successful match you score 20 points.
  • If you fail to match and you should have been able to (a matching tile was previously shown), you score (-5 * number of times match tile has been shown). So if a matching tile has been revealed three times before, you will score -15.
  • At the end of a level, if successful, you score a bonus of the number of seconds remaining. Also, if you have perfect recall, you score a bonus of (5 * number of pairs in the level).

Chicken Little:
Memory Game

See the instructions in this official game for details of how to play.

If this game doesn't work on your machine, you may need to upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.


Toon Memory Games

Play this site's huge collection of FREE Disney and Pixar Flash Online Games
and FREE Shrek and Other CG Movie Flash Online Games

Below is one of the posters for the 2005 movie 'Chicken Little':

Here is a Chicken Little desktop wallpaper picture (800 x 600 pixels):

To use this picture as your desktop wallpaper, right-click on it with your mouse and then select 'Set as Windows Wallpaper' or 'Set as Background', or whatever similar option your particular browser provides in the right-click pop-up menu.

Toon Memory Game On Mac

How To Play Toon Memory Game On Mac

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